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Activity 1 - Introduction to Evolution

Activity 1: Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection: Publications

An introduction into Evolution and it's processes.

Evolution is the idea that “populations and species of organisms change over time”. These changes occur as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioural traits, and the degree of change depends on the environment, species needs, and genetic change through breeding.

Charles Darwin proposed that new forms or species of life could evolve over time by natural selection. Darwin suggested natural selection was a mechanism for evolution in which heritable traits that help organisms survive and reproduce become more common in a population over time.

In this activity, a general introduction to these concepts will be made using a range of videos and work sheets, while allowing students personal research and discussion time. Students will be given the opportunity to understand the basic concept of evolution and explore evolutionary theories before diving deeper into learning key concepts and practical application of this knowledge.

Activity 1

Using the Activity worksheet, allow students to work in pairs and work through questions during each video.

Provide added time at the completion of these videos for consolidation, discussion, and any added research necessary.

Video 1: How evolution works.

Video 2: Crash Course

Follow up with class discussion of general topic points, questions, and go over answers to provide feedback to students.

Answer sheet provided in 'Teacher Resource' page.

Activity 1: Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection: Text
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